Saturday, June 26, 2010

Arizona Grand!

A lil' bit ago we got the treat of going to Arizona Grand!
I brought three amigas {Cayz, Laur and Sen} and meet up with tons of other girls {Randi, Staci and Tay etc etc}
And lemme tell ya...
It was PARTY
And here are the pictures to show!
We swam,
got in trouble by lifeguards,
ate a ton of junk,
played "the lazy river game",
clogged the slide like no other {resulting in getting "kicked" out 10 minutes before we left},
and played THE most intense game of spoons... EVER.

A few pictures I loved:

It was Seneca's birthday! Whoohoo, 15!

Taco Tuesday at this place {forgot the name}... seriously BEST tacos I have ever had!

Which made me reaaaaaal sad whenever my tacos were gone...

I love these girls,
after this picture we went and played Spoons FOREVER,
which was crazy and I have SEVERAL scars of proof. :)


Sunday, June 6, 2010

SuMmEr TiMe!

It is hard to believe it is summer time...
It make me so sad that freshman year is already over? Best school year by far!

Things that made my school year amazing:

{my AMAZING friends}

{my WONDERFUL parents}

{snowboarding- tay & i}


{strawberry fanta... my most favorite liquid}


{cards, my favorite games being: hobo and spoons}


{my favorite treat: Yogurtland}

{my energy creator: FUN DIP... had about one a day}

{my phone, even though i had a 9:45 curfew on school nights}

{meeting john mccain}

{my bike}

{church, seminary, young womens, and baptisms for the dead}

{turning FiFtEeN}

{piano and guitar... well music in general!}

{my favorite store}

{my poor lil pink baby is full to capacity... time for a new one}

{modern family and the office- my favvv tv shows!}

{my favorite shoes wear them about everyday!}

more to come!